

La Seguridad No Est? En Las Paredes, ?Sino En Los Cimientos! Ya No Se Construyen Murallas Que Rodeen Las Ciudades Modernas Porque Fracasaron Como Sistema...

Regular price $17.70 Sale

La Seguridad No Est? En Las Paredes, ?Sino En Los Cimientos!

Ya No Se Construyen Murallas Que Rodeen Las Ciudades Modernas Porque Fracasaron Como Sistema De Defensa. Sin Embargo, Nosotros Seguimos Fabricando "Muros Personales Defensivos", Con La Equivocada Idea De Defendernos Y Evitar Que Nos Vean Tal Como Somos Y Nos Lastimen. Son Paredes Mentales Blanqueadas Que Muchas Veces Enclaustran Vidas Arruinadas Que Se Esconden Y Lamentan En Silencio. Te Guiar? A Identificar Los Siete Muros Que No Te Dejan Avanzar Hacia Tu Realizaci?N Y Te Desafiar? A Derribar Esas Viejas Paredes Que Limitan Tu ?Xito Personal.

Safety Is Not In The Walls, But In The Foundations.

Walls Are No Longer Being Built Around Modern Cities Because They Failed As A Means Of Protection. However, We Keep Building Self-Defensive Walls, Wrongly Thinking We Can Protect Ourselves From Letting Others See Who We Really Are And From Being Hurt. These Are Mental Whiten Walls That In Many Cases Lock Up Ruined Lives That Hide In Regret And Silence. The Wall Will Help You Identify Those Seven Walls That Keep You From Achieving Your Purpose. It Will Challenge You To Demolish Those Old Walls That Block You From Your Personal Success.